Monday, March 30, 2009

Example of Contemporary New Media Art #4

Example of Contemporary New Media Art #4

My forth example of contemporary new media art is titled “Screening Circle” and is displayed on the World Wide Web. It was created by Andy Deck and was launched on March 22, 2006. The Screening Circle brings in the cultural tradition of the quilting circle into an online and virtual format. People that come to the website can enter the drawing area to create loops of graphics and affect and edit each other's screens. These internet artworks can be made by one person or by several people and the arrangement of the segments can be jumbled or precise. This artistic process allows users to add meaning to Andy Deck’s work through participation. Andy Deck has done much work in the realm of internet art and has done much research pertaining to the limitless possibilities of incorporating art into the internet. I myself enjoy this type of art work because it lets the audience interact more with the web and gives the web more of an artistic feel to it.

A link to the “Screening Circle” by Andy Deck is located below:

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