Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Example of Contemporary New Media Art #7

Example of Contemporary New Media Art #7

My seventh example of contemporary new media art is titled, “Watercouleur Park” and was created by a French group of artists known as Qubo Gas. Their individual names are Laura Henno, Jean-François Ablézot and Morgan Dimnet. They have been working together as a group since 2000. “Watercouleur Park” is an interactive graphic work made of layers of random drawings. The vegetation contained in each of the landscapes is also a random element. There are fourteen landscapes in total and drawn from a database of drawings. The project allows users to explore a virtual archive of collage work. They have the ability to modify, rotate and change their point of view. This work was launched in London from March 3 through May 12, 2007.

A link to the “Watercouleur Park” by Qubo Gas is located below:

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